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Employee Spotlight: Meili Melton

As a Banquet Cook at Egypt Valley, most days for Meili Melton include preparing food for any upcoming events, making sure events are up to standard, and making sure there is plenty of food for said events.

If you see creative shapes of cheeses on charcuterie displays, that was probably her! If there is an action station, she’s working it, whether it’s making omelets or carving prime rib. Occasionally, Meili gets to create her own dishes, including her own spin on a Caprese Salad, as well as a few different specials for the line these past couple years.

Keep reading to get to know Meili better!

Explain a bit about your Egypt Valley journey and how you came to work at the Club!
Egypt Valley was my first job, and I came in not knowing much about cooking. I was a student at Kent Career Technical Center for Culinary Arts. I knew this is a field I was passionate about since I was young. I learned a lot from my school but I knew that if I wanted to keep growing, I would have to learn outside of school.

I heard about Egypt Valley from my instructor at the time, and he told me this would be a great way to become confident in the kitchen. I did not know what I was really doing, but I talked to Chef Stinson and Chef Zac about working as a cook. They were hesitant at first, as I did not know anything when it came to cooking. I took every day as a challenge to be a better cook and learn from my coworkers and it paid off. They stopped seeing me as a shy, quiet kid and I was able to grow immensely. I ended up asking after working solely on banquets if I could work on the line service. They trusted me enough, and I ended up learning every station on the line. It’s been over three years and I have been so grateful for everyone who has been a part of my growth.

What’s your favorite part of your job at the Club?
There are two things that really stick out to me with working here. First are my coworkers, past and present. I have learned so much from all of them, they are like family to me. They allow me to be creative and help me grow. And the second is working events, like Chef Table, Open House or Action Stations. It can be difficult at times to get to know the members when I am running around putting food out on the buffet, but I enjoy when I am out where members can interact with my station.

What makes you passionate about culinary excellence?
I could go on and on about what makes me passionate but to summarize, being able to grow so much and visualizing that. These past couple years I have learned a lot. I ended up graduating from culinary school, which was an important part in my professional career. With that, I was able to go on a three-month internship to Italy. I worked at a restaurant called Il Locale, which is a restaurant that is on the Michelin Guide. I learned so much about simplicity and quality of ingredients. I was able to see that food brings people together regardless of who they are or what barriers there are.

I have also been focusing on my personal chef business. This is a new part of my journey that will allow me to show my passion to others. Bringing all the things I have learned these past years and making my own business out of it.

What’s something surprising/interesting about you that members might not know?
I have seven other siblings and I am the second youngest of them. And a little bonus is that I was adopted from China.

When you’re not at the Club, what could you be found enjoying?
I love to travel. I have been able to travel to four countries in the past two years, as well as eight new states. Plus, I am adding two more countries to that list soon! I enjoy learning about people and cultures as well as trying new cuisines. If I’m not traveling, I am hanging out with my friends or my boyfriend. I also enjoy reading with a cup of coffee in hand.

Anything additional you’d like to add?
As I stated above, this coming year I have been working on my own personal chef business. I am currently learning about what it takes to become a personal chef and soon will be taking clients! I am so excited for this next journey in my life. So, if you need a personal chef, let me know!