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Welcome, Fall! 

By: Jeff Holmes, CGCS Golf Course Manager

Here we go saying “goodbye” to another wonderful summer, as September 22 welcomes the official beginning of fall. But don't be too sad! The weather forecasters are saying temperatures are projected to be above normal all the way into October—and they are always correct.

Reflecting back on the summer and the past few years, I’ve a few thoughts to share about this wonderful piece of property called Egypt Valley Country Club and the people who visit. Many beautiful sunrises and sunsets are viewed throughout the summer and fall months. Amazing views, actually!

Across the property, it takes lots of time to care for this land—roughly 27,000 hours for the golf courses and grounds per year, to be exact. And while we are quite busy, we try hard to instill a “take pride in your work” attitude to our employees. It’s a real slap in the face to our team when we see divots being taken out of the greens and golf carts doing donuts, along with skid marks. We’ve had carts try to drive across the walk path bridges, carts driving through bunkers, across greens and tees, as well. Most of the cart trouble is happening in the evening hours but the divots happen during the day. We need your help to stop this kind of activity. If you see divots in the greens, please report it to the Pro Shop. Same with inappropriate cart usage; we can then back track the tee sheet to try and eliminate this type of activity.

I’ve also been pondering the people of Egypt Valley—members, guests, employees, vendors, contractors … anyone who enjoys this property or contributes to its success. There are numerous members who go above and beyond to give back to the Club in one way or another, whether it’s serving on a committee, offering their talents to solve problems and share ideas, offering equipment to complete a job, or serving on the Board of Directors. The list is endless and many have helped in countless ways over the years! I'm sure we will continue to see this kind of good continue into the future. It warms my heart when I watch this happen and it’s part of what makes this a great club. The same thing happens with many employees, vendors and contractors. This property would not be what it is without good, caring people. The more we share this type of attitude, the better off we all are.

So, thank you to all the members who step up to the plate for Egypt Valley! You are special people who help make the wheels turn. Thank you also to the employees who are behind the amenities and creation of that special feeling members and guests enjoy at Egypt Valley. Certainly, vendor and contractor support are also needed to help us succeed, so thank you to those people, as well. Please take some time to say “Thank you!” to the employees who make your experience great. Many activities happen behind the scenes before your experience is complete.

Our member standouts for this quarter are Dr. Moleski and Mr. Nisbett! They’ve offered their time to come in and help dress divots in the fairways. This comes at a much-needed time for our department, seeing as we’re shorthanded and welcome the help to accomplish all of the task at hand. Thank you, gentlemen!

Continue to golf and enjoy this wonderful club you’re a part of through the remainder of the fall months. There’s still a lot of golf to be had!